About MG
Hey guys!
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read about MG how we came to be!
From the beginning flowers and being a florist is in my blood, my nan Margaret was a florist with her sister in Revesby doing it all from retail, weddings and back in those days it was even veils and gifts!
My nan loves flowers and all things gardening, growing up she had the most BEAUTIFUL gardens and painted to most amazing floral art for her home.
So, when I decided in 2017 that i wanted to be a florist she was thrilled and how could i not name my business after her! And now lives MARGARETS GARDEN.

ive worked all throughout the industry from retail in hospitals and cemeteries to behind the scenes deals with invoices and orders. Ive done all sorted of events and memorials and i have to admit my favourites are weddings ofcourse. Being able to bring a bride and grooms dream wedding come to life and see them on their big day so happy makes my hear swell!

Now 6 years in the industry and roping my partner into my events and wedding sets ups Margarets garden becomes more and more a family business and i couldnt be prouder!

thanks for sticking to the end of my life story!
Love Always